Onyx, our solid black Araucana is broody! Until last year when I got chickens and started reading about them, I wasn't sure what broody meant! When a hen "goes broody" it means that she wants to sit on and hatch some eggs.
The signs of a broody hen are unmistakeable. She will get in a nest box and stay there - all day, all night - for days. She might get up for a very few minutes each day to eat, drink and poop. Then she's right back in the nest. Broody hens are very protective of their nest. If you come anywhere close to her, she will growl at you. She also keeps her feathered fluffed up as big as possible to cover the eggs well.
After Onyx had been in the nest box for a couple days, I moved her to her very own broody pen and put 11 fertilized (hopefully!) eggs in the nest box for her. She has been sitting on them faithfully since last Wednesday. Incubation for chickens takes 21 days - although with the heat we have here right now, these might hatch a day or two early. So Tuesday, June 12th is the approximate hatch date. I'll be checking on her often during that Monday and Tuesday.
I'll post a photo of Onyx on her nest soon. And once we have chicks - I'll be sure to post photos of Mama Onyx and her babies.