We've stopped selling hatching eggs and chicks. We gave it about a year, but it was WAY more trouble than it was worth. Dogwood Trace is about enjoying life and nature - and selling eggs and chicks was not conducive to that! However, even though we don't sell hatching eggs or chicks for the following breeds, we still have beautiful chickens from each of these breeds.
Easter Eggers
Easter Eggers are excellent layers and produce eggs that range from various shades of green and blue - and sometimes light brown. EEs were developed in the United States in the 1970s. Because they are a "mutt" they come in an assortment of feather colors. Although they are most popular for their colorful eggs, they are also some of the friendliest of chickens. Almost half our flock consists of Easter Eggers.
Araucanas originated in Chili and were first bred by the Araucanian Indians - thus their name. Araucanas have several unusual characteristics. First, they lay blue eggs. They also have feather tufts near their ears, and they have no tail. Unfortunately, the tufts don't appear on all Araucanas, and sometimes they are not rumpless. Although having a tail and not having tufts would disqualify an Araucana to compete as a show bird, neither has anything to do with those beautiful blue eggs. We are still working on getting the stock that we want.There is a line of lavender araucanas that we REALLY want. So we are making our fourth attempt at hatching some from some shipped hatching eggs.
Swedish Flower Hens
Swedish Flower Hens are aptly named because their multi-colored feather patterns truly are reminiscent of flowers. There were no Swedish Flower Hens outside of Sweden until mid-2010 when Greenfire Farms in Florida imported some. Some Swedish Flower Hens have crests. They lay lovely light brown eggs.
Cream Legbar
Cream Legbars are an auto-sexing breed - a trait that is in demand among chicken enthusiasts. That means that upon hatching, one is able to determine the sex of the chick by the feather patterns. They also lay a lovely blue egg. They only made their way to the United States in 2011 - imported from Great Britain by Greenfire Farms. We hatched the first chicks from our Cream Legbar flock - and the chicks are adorable - and extremely robust and healthy.
Other breeds in our layer flock: Rhodebar, Barred Rock, Black Jersey Giant, Blue Splash Marans, Black Copper Marans, Gold-Laced Wyandotte, Silver-Laced Wyandotte, Dominique, Welsummer, Golden Cuckoo Marans, Buff Orpington, Frizzle Polish mix, Rhode Island Red, Ancona, Light Brown Leghorn and Golden Buff. Whew! That's quite a list!
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