Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring has arrived!

The long winter molt is finished, and the hens are laying like crazy!  Each day we're getting between 15-20 eggs, and we've added several new egg customers.

Our Cream Legbars and Swedish Flower Hens are back into full production, and so we're selling hatching eggs again.  Although the past few days have been unseasonably cold, we're all excited about spring and the warmer days ahead.

We've got eggs in the incubator.  I'm hoping for a flock of Lavender Araucanas.  I've tried twice before with no luck.  This time, though, a lot of eggs are showing growth.  Keeping my fingers crossed that we'll have a great hatch.  I also have Cream Legbars and Swedish Flower Hen eggs in the incubator.

And speaking for myself, I'm thrilled that Daylight Savings Time is back.  I love it!  Here are some recent photos of our chickens: